Secretary’s Week

Monday, Jul 15, 2019 0 comment(s)

The establishment of a secretaries' party began in 1951 in the United States. 

Ms. Mary Barrett, President of the National Secretaries Association and Mr. C. King Woodbridge, President of Dictaphone Corporation, were then members of a special committee tasked with finding solutions to the situation. a national shortage of qualified office staff at that time. With the help of a specialist from a leading public relations firm (Young & Rubicam), Mr. Harry Klemfuss, they came up with the idea of ​​developing an awareness campaign, Secretaries' Week.

After months of work, their efforts paid off when US Trade Secretary Charles Sawyer officially announced the launch of the first Secretaries' Week, June 1-7, 1952. Ms. Barrett and Mr. Woodbridge were also invited to Washington for the announcement ceremony, which received significant media coverage. An important turning point in the history of the secretariat had just taken place with as much attention as possible. The work of these people, these pioneers, made it possible to place the first steps towards a recognition of the profession. And yet, their names are still unknown ... 

The two official objectives that led to the creation of Secretaries Week were to recognize the secretaries' contribution to the economy, since their skills, loyalty and efficiency allow businesses and government offices to be in a position to to carry out their daily activities, to draw attention, with the help of positive publicity, to the immense potential offered by the secretarial career. 

In North America and Europe: 

Secretaries' Week is not celebrated on exactly the same dates in Europe and North America.

In North America, since 1955, Secretaries Week has been held for the last full week (Sunday to Saturday) of April. International Secretaries' Day, meanwhile, is still on Wednesday of the same week. In France, it was in 1991, under the impetus of French subsidiaries of American groups, that the Fête des Secrétaires et Assistantes was born. It is celebrated on the third Thursday of April. 

Date of the Secretaries Week:

April 22 to 28, 2018

April 21 to 27, 2019

April 19 to 25, 2020

April 18 to 24, 2021

April 24 to 30, 2022

April 23 to 29, 2023

April 21 to 27, 2024

April 20 to 26, 2025

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