
Monday, Jul 15, 2019 0 comment(s)

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a time of recollection during which Muslims do not have the right to eat, drink, smoke, or have sex, from dawn to sunset. Only sick people, women who are menstruating, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the elderly and prepubescent children are exempt from fasting. 

Muslims have a duty to pray, to reflect on the place of faith in their lives and how to develop their human qualities, such as patience, gentleness, compassion and humility. They practice the alms of paying a mandatory fee to the mosque or to a person in need just before the end of Ramadan. At nightfall, the faithful gather with family and friends to consume a festive meal. The first day of the following month, we celebrate Eid al-Fitr, for example the feast of breaking the fast.

The origin of Ramadan

Ramadan marks the beginning of the revelation of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad, and is practiced during the healthy month, that is to say in the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar. From Arabic ramida, the word Ramadan means intense heat, because Ramadan is considered a good action burning sins. If the Muslims are to fast, it is because in the Koran, Allah has declared the obligatory fast, in the same way as that of the Yom Kippur, practiced by the Jews which lasts only 25 hours. 

The dates of Ramadan vary from year to year, and are calculated according to the position of the moon and the place where one is on Earth. They are set by the Muslim authorities of each country.

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