Outdoor Plant Watering

Sunday, Jul 14, 2019 0 comment(s)

It is better not to water too much, but abundantly. A daily watering can be excessive, and unrelated to the natural cycles, promoting the appearance of diseases, depleting the soil very quickly.

Watering in summer 

We have put in the garden or on the balcony plants that we would like to see survive, maybe even they will have to accommodate a few days of absence for holidays. Then arise the classic questions: when to water? In what way for what is effective? How much? Here are some answers for you.


When should we water? 

It is better not to water too much, but abundantly. A daily watering can be excessive, and unrelated to the natural cycles, promoting the appearance of diseases, depleting the soil very quickly. 

Evening watering is ideal during periods of high heat because it minimizes evaporation losses. The morning is better if the nights are cool, and you fear the night frosts, valid in some areas in the fall.


How to water? 

The best way is usually direct to the neck without forming rain with the pipe. By bringing the water directly to the foot of the plants, we avoid promoting the growth of weeds, slugs and limit the loss of too much water.


Water needs


Plant Categories


Watering depends on the climatic conditions, the nature of the clay or sandy soil, and the nature of the plants. 

We can classify plants into 3 categories: 

  • those that require a lot of water: you will be careful to water them as soon as the soil is dry on the surface, 

  • those with average needs, which you can water when the soil is dry to 4 / 5cm deep, 

  • dry plants, which are content with spaced inputs, only when the soil is dry at 8/10 cm.


Protect your massive 

We draw a sharp blow on the hose filled with water and that's it! A plant did the expense of the operation. To avoid this kind of inconvenience, nothing complicated: just plant at the corners of the beds and flowerbeds you want to protect small stakes that the pipe will bypass.

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