Men’s day

Saturday, Jul 13, 2019 0 comment(s)

November 19th is International Men’s Day. This event, inaugurated in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago in South America. According to its creators, International Men's Day is a time to highlight the discrimination against them in the areas of health, family law, education, the media or other fields and to celebrate their positive contributions and their achievements. In recent years, International Men's Day has included public seminars, classroom activities in schools, radio and television programs, exhibitions, peaceful marches, debates and table discussions.

Observing this annual day is optional. The pioneers of International Men's Day recalled that the day is not meant to compete with International Women's Day, but aims to highlight men's experiences. Each year a different theme is highlighted, such as peace in 2002, men's health in 2003, or healing and forgiveness in 2007.

The objectives of the celebration of an International Men's Day, are the focus on men and the health of boys, the improvement of gender relations, the promotion of gender equality, and highlighting models. positive men. It is an opportunity for men to highlight the discrimination against them and to celebrate their achievements and contributions, especially to the community, family, marriage, and child care.

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