Indoor Plants

Thursday, Mar 12, 2020 0 comment(s)

How to brighten up your home with houseplants? Having beautiful houseplants is a good way to maintain fresh smelling air.

How to brighten up your home with houseplants?

Having beautiful houseplants is a good way to maintain fresh smelling air. Plants can also be used as decoration. Over the years, we have realized that adding succulents to our home gives a pleasant appearance to the spaces in the house and that everything can balance a room when there is an empty place.

All plants are different and some require much more direct sunlight while others require less. Caring for a plant on a regular basis can be difficult across all of our occupations. But one thing is certain, plants give life to our homes, offices and different environments. So this is why the best solution is to find plants that are beautiful but also easy to maintain.


What are the best indoor plants?

Did you know that plants can remove more than 85% of volatile organic compounds from your indoor air daily. Therefore, decorating different interior spaces with plants can not only brighten them up, but it can also greatly improve your quality of life. Indoor plants can naturally boost your mood, improve your creativity, promote your well-being and purify your interior. All these benefits are very impressive for simply incorporating small green leaves into your life!

What is the best indoor plant to purify the air? 

Are you looking to reduce toxins in your home and places you spend several hours of your time? It is often the germs and toxins that are invisible to naked eye that are most harmful to your health. The good news is that there is not only one better plant to purify your air but dozens of green plants that can help you.

What is the best indoor plant for oxygen?

As humans are more and more eco-conscious, we learn that air quality is not always at its best. But rather than using air filters, it would be much more beneficial to take a more natural approach and have a few houseplants to help add more oxygen to your environment to filter out toxins. As a bonus, there is evidence that the plants you keep and care for will help improve your mental health.

At all times, indoor plants produce oxygen with natural light, through the process of photosynthesis. Even if this process stops in the absence of light, having indoor plants will undoubtedly help greatly improve the air quality in your home.

Are indoor plants good?

Indoor plants are not only good for their beauty but they are also good for your health. Several studies show that indoor plants boost your concentration and can improve your productivity by up to 20%. In addition, plants can improve your mood and reduce your stress level. Which makes house plants great for your home and work space.

What plant should you have in your home?

A beautiful, well-placed plant can not only purify the air but also create a relaxing and restful atmosphere in any room of your home or office. It's no secret that spending time in nature is linked to reduce stress and relieved tension. According to a study, researchers found that patients hospitalized in rooms containing plants suffered from lower stress levels than patients who had no plants in their rooms.

What are the most popular indoor plants?

Whether you have a green thumb or not, there are many indoor plants that are easy to care for and very resistant. These plants are almost untouchable and you will only have to respond to a very low maintenance to keep them alive. Discover the best plants you can buy.


Crotons are outdoor tropical plants that come from warm temperate regions and this plant does not like the cold. The croton likes a temperature above 15 degrees Celsius and it tolerates humidity well. Crotons are available in several shapes and colors. They are very colorful going from green, yellow, red, orange, cream, pink and black and it can also have a combination of several colors. The croton plant is very often grown outdoors in tropical areas and it makes a very beautiful indoor plant.


Dracena is a popular houseplant that comes from the island of Madagascar as well as other islands in the Indian Ocean. The origin of its name comes from an ancient Greek drakaina where the resin resembling a red gum in the stems of dracaena compared to dragon blood. Dracaena is an easy-care plant and can resist neglect. Dracena will also help purify the ambient air.


The great beauty of orchid flowers knows no equal in the plant world. These exotic beauties contain the largest family of flowering plants, with more than 30,000 different species and at least 200,000 hybrids. It is possible to find orchid plants passing through the equatorial tropics to the arctic tundra. This immense diversity lies in the incredible capacity of the orchid to adapt to its environment. With all these different varieties of orchids living in so many different conditions, it is therefore very easy to find an orchid plant well suited to your environment, whether it is a kitchen window, a bedroom bay window or a greenhouse.


Anthurium is a herbaceous epiphyte which comes from tropical America which has more than 800 species. The red heart flower is really splendid. Different colors of anthuriums are red or in shades of red, white and green. Every part of the plant is toxic and the plant sap can cause skin irritation for humans.


Pothos turns out to be a great way to start if you don't have any houseplants because its care is very easy and undemanding. This plant is an easy way to add greenery to your home. This plant can be kept in a wide range of environments. Pothos like bright indirect light as well as dim light and can be grown in dry soil or in water. They thrive in soil rich in nutrients but it can also do almost as well in poor soil. Although pothos plants are easy to care for, keep in mind that they are poisonous. Rarely fatal, the plant can however cause irritation and vomiting.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo has been part of Chinese culture for many years and has really grown in popularity in the past 20 years. Lucky Bamboo also grows in water or soil. Lucky bamboo comes from Southeast Asia and is well known for its use in Feng Shui.

Sansevieria trifasciata (Dracaena)

Sansevieria trifasciata comes from southern and central Africa and are succulent tropical plants. This plant loves medium to bright light but not low light. Succulent plants have a modified form of photosynthesis and so that they can retain their water, the plant opens its pores only at night. At this time, since photosynthesis occurs only in daylight, it stores carbon dioxide acquired at night for use during the day and releases oxygen at night in addition to helping maximize the efficiency of air cleaning.

Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)

One of the favorite plants of those who have the green thumb or not, the Spathiphyllum better known as peace lily, is a very easy-care plant. Peace lily are part of the Aracea family. Its flowers are very similar to those of lily calla and are the reason for its origin. There are a wide variety of types of peace lily and sizes. Most Spathiphyllum are ground plants, as they can reach up to four feet high. This tropical plant greatly helps to purify the air and clean the oxygen of your home.

Palm tree

There are over 2,500 species of palm trees that live in tropical and warm temperate climates. Palm trees are known tree families and can reach 150 feet or more in height. Some palm trees can live up to 100 years making it one of the oldest living trees.

Which is the fastest growing indoor plant?

Want to add some greenery to your home or office, but don't want to wait years for your plants to grow? Here is the fastest growing plant available!

Spider plants

Spider plants are easily among the easiest and fastest growing indoor plants. Light is not something you need to worry about because spider plants really only need a moderate amount of daylight to thrive. However, it is important to avoid putting your spider plants in full sun all day as this may cause burns on the leaves of your plant. When it comes to watering, spider plants should be watered only when the soil is dry, about once a week. These plants are a great addition to any space as they require little maintenance and are healthy. They absorb carbon dioxide, formaldehyde and xylene from the air, which greatly facilitates better breathing in the comfort of your home or office.


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