Good Friday is Palm Sunday, the day of Jesus Christ's death on the cross. It is the saddest day of the Christian religion. That day, the meat is forbidden, some even observe a complete fast. That day, Christians follow the Way of the Cross of Jesus Christ. Each station is an opportunity to remember a major step in his ordeal and pray. In many countries, Good Friday gives rise to acts of extreme piety leading Christians to flog themselves, or even to be crucified. The whole of Good Friday is dedicated to the commemoration of the Passion of Christ, namely his torment and death on the cross.
Good Friday is a succession of masses and prayers whose culminating point is the procession reminiscent of the Way of the Cross of Jesus until his death on the cross. The Catholic Church recommends fasting and abstinence on Good Friday or at least eating lean. Whether in the open air or inside the church, Catholics follow the procession of 14 stations recounting the death of Jesus Christ. Each station corresponds to a striking scene of the "Passion of Christ". This procession is called the Way of the Cross. Believers move in procession from one station to another. A naked wooden cross is worn throughout the Way of the Cross.
The procession of Good Friday is done mainly on the reading of the story of the Passion of the Christ according to Saint John. The procession and the reading of passion are a way for Catholics to unite with the sufferings and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Good Friday is a day of mourning for Catholics, statues or representation of Christ are veiled and churches are stripped. Apart from the anointing and penance of the sick, the sacraments are forbidden. The hosts destined for communion were consecrated the day before.
Good Friday date:
March 30, 2018
April 19, 2019
April 10, 2020
April 2, 2021
April 15, 2022
April 7, 2023
March 29, 2024
April 18, 2025
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